Legal Rights With Mesothelioma

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What are my Legal Rights if I have Mesothelioma?

If you or a loved one has mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. The only cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos and the companies that exposed you to asbestos owe you compensation for your illness. This compensation is tax-free and will not affect other benefits that you receive.

Many companies have set up trust funds to pay victims of mesothelioma. These claims DO NOT require filing a law suit or going to court. However, if you do not claim this compensation, the money may go back to the companies that exposed you.

Everyone has their own reasons for seeking compensation. Some need help with medical bills and other expenses. Some want peace of mind that their loved ones will be taken care of. Some use the money to help children and grandchildren with college. Others donate the money to their church or other worthy charity. What you do with your compensation is your decision.

Since each case is unique, it is difficult to estimate the value of your claims until an experienced investigator has spoken with you and traced your exposure history. If you are not sure how you were exposed to asbestos, not to worry. We have experienced investigators who will trace the exposure.

A handful of law firms devote their full resources to mesothelioma claims. If you have mesothelioma and would like to speak with someone at a law firm that exclusively handles these claims, CLICK HERE.

There is NO CHARGE to speak with an attorney at our firm. We only get paid if and when we recover compensation on your behalf. If necessary, we will come to you and meet with you at your home or other place that is convenient to you. Click here to learn more about our firm.

You will never get a bill from us.

We only handle mesothelioma claims. We don't handle auto accident cases or divorces or other types of legal claims.

It is important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible. Your claims may be barred if you wait too long.

If you have a family member that has passed away as a result of mesothelioma, the family may still be entitled to compensation.